Well it’s the start of a new year what better time is there to have a quick look back at the past year and see what’s to look forward to in 2012?

2011 was a big year for Sonic, his 20th actually, and SEGA didn’t miss a trick with this, proceeding to drown us all in merch (seriously stop my bank keeps calling to complain). We had not one but two official conventions Sonic Boom (USA) and The Summer of Sonic (UK) both of which were a huge success (although I can only speak for one). Oh and of course let’s not forget the games, Sonic Generations hit the mark nicely, we also got another Mario and Sonic which I suppose will keep the kids happy, and the Sonic CD re-release for everything (and I do mean everything).
So overall a very good year on the Sonic front. On a more personal note 2011 was a very busy year for me, I moved home, job and had various ‘issues’ thrown my way over the course of the year, oh and I came down with a serious case of My Little Pony Fanboyism (I’m still trying to get better from that… one day at a time) so I can safely say 2011 has been far from boring.
All through this though there’s been Emerald Coast, while yes I haven’t kept it the most up to date at times I do keep coming back to it. I’d also like to take a moment to thank Nemain, Titans Creed, and Angry Fox for being such great staff and continuing to contribute content to the site, I don’t know what I’d do without you guys!
Looking forward to 2012, I could make a load of promises with what I have lined up for you but I’ve learned the second I make these promises they become almost impossible to deliver, so all I’ll say is I have ideas and work/mind permitting I will hopefully be able to put a few of them out there for all to see this year.
Happy New Year!
T.A Black January 2, 2012 at 12:36 pm |
Happy New Year to EC and all you guys. Hope 2012 goes well and that the comics and content keep on going from strength to strength. It’s been great to help out with various things over the year, so here’s to a great new year!