Now I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the biggest fan of Bowling for Soup’s work on the Sonic games, but sometimes you just get an awesome remix track… this is one of them, enjoy!
Over the last year we have had a few classic/modern Sonic compilation art pieces from the community, and today I thought I’d show off one of them that recently came to my attention.
It’s from Darknoise long time Sonic fan and artist for Sonic the Comic online, this one actually ended taking the better part of a year to finish. What’s even better is you can actually buy a limited edition print of this, so if you want to help a Sonic fan out head over to Dark Noise Studios for more info.
Been meaning to do this for a while as I’ve dug up some really good art recently, so sit back and enjoy… err downloading these for your desktop background?
Welcome back to the Artist Alley, where from week to week, we’ll be highlighting a piece of musical or artistic flair that you may have missed, or be unaware of. Hit the jump to see today’s piece.
Welcome back to the Artist Alley, where from week to week, we’ll be highlighting an piece of musical or artistic flair that you may have missed, or be unaware of. Hit the jump to see today’s piece.
As many of you aware, The Sonic Stadium recently finished a massive community project in the form of a music album, which they used to close out the SSR feed before it went down for maintenance.
Thanks to the lovely Dreadknux and TSS staff, I have had a copy of the album for perusal and I thought I’d do a personal review of the album for EC.
The album itself boasts 45 tracks of which some are original as well as remixes of songs throughout the “generations” as it were of Sonic’s history. We’re talking about games that span throughout the “Classic” era on the Mega Drive/Genesis to the “Dreamcast” era to the “Modern” era, as well as take useage from some handheld titles and throwing a bit of a Generation-esque spin on some titles, like the track below from FreenInGreen:
For an album that comprises over 4 discs worth of music, it’s a spectacular piece of work, and an amazing piece of community interaction.
That’s not to say it’s all gold though. While it is ALOT of music provided by the community, there are some low points within the album, things that just don’t seem right. But I think it’s fair to say that the good on the album far outweighs the bad, and don’t get me wrong, there is ALOT of good on this 4 discs worth of awesome. Like the track below from Plumegeist:
For the nostalgia fan in you, it’s really good to listen to the album without the song titles showing and then realising what certain tracks are from which games. You get that warm feeling when you hear that familiar tune without watching the title for the track.
Welcome back to the Artist Alley, where from week to week, we’ll be highlighting an piece of musical or artistic flair that you may have missed, or be unaware of. Hit the jump to see today’s piece.
Tried to get a mixture of old and new Sonic this week, managed to dig up a nice remix of Aquatic Mine, oh the image used for Green Hill Hooky Dubstep mix is interesting… anyway… hit the jump for more.
Today’s choices:
1. Chemical Plant Zone (Dance mix)
2. Aquatic Mine Remix
3. Green Hill (Hooky Dubstep mix)
Emerald Coast 6.4 is a Phil 'Vger' Sims production 2005-2011. EC is powered by ground up Chao and pony's, the grey Chaos Emerald (aka the evil one), magic and Wordpress. Sonic and all related characters are copyright of SEGA and Sonic Team and are reproduced here without their permission. For best results this site should be viewed with Firefox, however other browsers are supported.