Posted by Nemain, Oct.02, 2010, under Comics, Comments (5)

It’s a week and a day late, but it’s finally here…


Part 7 of DtN: Vger’s Dream is now live. In this extra-long edition of DtN we find out what Bman’s special ability is, as well as making an amendment to DtN #6. Never let it be said that we do not listen to the voices of our fans…

May I just add on my apologies for the lack of update last week. I am now settled into my uni digs and have a scanner on hand, so future updates should resume their usual Friday slot with any luck. HOORAY!


Project Phoenix

October 2, 2010 at 2:04 am

Awesome as always.

But if i have to say something, it is: Marmite > Peanut Butter šŸ˜›


October 2, 2010 at 2:16 am

The first panel made me burst out laughing. XD

But this is looking awesome. Poor poor Bman, he’s the subject of so much abuse. I get the feeling we’re gonna see a lot more of it.

Also I’ll bet Vger’s had to have several IQ points knocked off, first thrown into a wall, then hit by a wrench, and now punched in the jaw…


October 2, 2010 at 1:44 pm

Lol at the; ‘Man I look sexual in this cape comment’! : D

T.A Black

October 2, 2010 at 3:50 pm

Is it just me that thought of AAUK saying “You may be a fox-based webmaster, but I AM A MAN!” when he punched Vger?

Anyway, another fantastic comic. I agree with the unfair treatment of Bman, but it works well within the dream-like state of the comic. Though if we start seeing spinning tops within this comic, I’m betting Chris Nolan will be behind it…


October 10, 2010 at 10:22 am

Spinning tops as in Beylades? Nifty, I’m a beyblade fan.

Yes, Beyblade fan do still exist.

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