Posted by Titans Creed, Aug.21, 2011, under Articles, Community, Merch, Comments (1)

So, as some of you know there was the first London meet post-SoS on the Sunday. What some of you aren’t aware of, is that there was a semi-private meet going on over the course of the entire weekend in Portsmouth.

Myself and The Tall Ghey Guy hosted the event, and we had the likes of Nemain, Vger, AAUK, Dreadknux, Siriku, SonicYoda, Shadow5talker and Urtheart down for the weekend, or a specific day they could make.

While the main bulk of the fun was on Saturday, with some sightseeing in Portsmouth and a BBQ to finish, unbeknownst to Nemain, myself and Tall-Guy had got her a birthday present of a plushie made of her own original character Akhmin for Emerald Coast.


The plushie was made by Donna M Evans, who was more then happy to take on the comission for us, and you can find a spotlight interview I performed with her here.

Our ever beloved emperor, however, managed to catch a video of the gift being presented. It goes without saying, that Nemain’s reaction to it, was priceless, and you can see this for yourself…



Among the sites we saw on the Saturday was Portsmouth Spinnaker Tower (Space Pingas!), and then moved onto the arcade for some Pirate Boat Wars and Pirate Mini-Golf,


On the Sunday, we made a detour to Southsea Castle, then we moved onto the on site cafe for something to eat and said goodbyes to those on their long travels back.

It was a great weekend, and I hope to do it again, although possibly in an area more localised to everyone else next time.

Vger Edit: I really enjoyed this weekend, more so than any other previous meet, purely for the fact that we didn’t have anything Sonic going on in the background, just us guys and gal relaxing drinking, and burning meat. Life can’t get much better.

Nemain Edit: T-Bird will attest that Nemains are very rarely speechless. This is of much annoyance, especially when he wishes to watch a film and she won’t shut up. However, the production of an Akhmin plushie was enough to completely stun the Nemain into silence! The whole weekend was most excellent – Just a like minded group of Sonic fans having fun and antics and terrorizing the locals! The feel good factor will be riding high for a long while after this one. Thanks to everyone for making the past few days the community highlight of my year, and a special thanks to the chief gheys Pete and Andy for my Akhmin plushie. Can’t believe the lengths you went to for me!

Urtheart Edit: Great chance to catch up with the guys, much fun, randomness and japes had by all, along with mine and Nemain’s plans to conquer the local area. This is the kind of meets we all enjoy and probably our highlights as part of the community.

1 Comment

T.A Black

August 21, 2011 at 9:24 pm

Sounds like you all had a fantastic time – great to see the Ahkmin plushie getting such an awesome response.

Hope the next meetup is as fun

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