Posted by Vger, Sep.19, 2011, under Articles, Reviews, Comments (0)

I was at Gamefest recently and it just so happened that SEGA was also there showing off there latest upcoming games, so I had to take some time to give to see how there latest games are shaping up.

Hit the jump to see just a few of my thoughts.

Sonic Generations: 360/PS3
First up on the block Sonic Generations, they had two levels on show for the 360/ps3 version, City Escape and Green Hill Zone, both played very well just like the classic and modern Sonic’s do, I wasn’t paying attention to the physics as I’m really not interested in nit picking, but I couldn’t fault from what I played. The visuals are rich and vibrant as to be expected from a Sonic game. I will say though the levels seem a little too easy as I managed to S rank them all on the first attempt. Overall I’m still looking forward to this game and really am glad I’m grabbing the special edition for it.

Sonic Generations: 3DS
I was actually surprised by this as the visuals were better than I’d expected and the game play was solid and fun, once again each version of Sonic played as intended and were most enjoyable. I will admit though I did seem to glitch it a bit on Mushroom Hill as modern Sonic by falling through a bit of scenery, but it is a demo after all. Not going to get at this stage myself as I still don’t want a console that gives me headaches, but shaping up to be a very nice game for anyone who does own a 3DS.

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games: 2012 3DS/wii
I’ll admit this now, I didn’t play all the events that were available on the show floor, however what I did try felt very similar if not the same to the original. Visually it looks about the same as the first Olympic games and beyond that I can’t say much. I don’t think this one is going to be a day one purchase for me, as I’ve got tired of this licence, I only played the last one to review it. It’s still a great party game for the wii and 3DS and was drawing a large crowd of younger people, so it should sell well enough.

House of the Dead Overkill: Directors Cut: PS3
Having played the original for the wii (which I still regard it as the best game to ever come out for the console) it’s nice to see Overkill return, admittedly not so much for the PS3 and with move as well? Although playing the demo level, a rework of the hospital level, I was reminded of why I enjoyed the original so much. It played smoothly and well, and the plastic gun peripheral worked well and felt very solid in my hands. I’d recommend it if you have a PS3 and move, otherwise it’s a very expensive buy in point for a game.

Rise of Nightmare: 360 Kinect
This one takes some getting used to as the controls feel a little clunky, until you get used to the idea your view changing when you turn your shoulders and only moving when you step forwards or backwards. Once you get to the Zombie slaughter though it really starts to pick up and feels surprisingly satisfying chopping up or taking a chainsaw to the zombies. A must have for any mature kinect owner, and even better it’s out now.

Binary Domain 360/PS3
I’ve kept track of this in the background because I like the premise behind the game of humans vs robots (it’s the sci-fi fan in me). It plays very much similar to Vanquish in that it is a cover based shooter, and looks visually similar as well. If you enjoyed Vanquish you will like this one when it washes up February next year.

That’s it from my impressions of SEGA’s upcoming line up, Anarchy Rains was also on show but I didn’t get a chance to have a go at that, hope this has helped inform you a bit more about up coming SEGA games.

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