Posted by Vger, May.07, 2009, under Merch, Comments (0)

Recently there has been quiet a few new Sonic soundtracks released, which I have gone to great pains and in one case extra expense (damn you customs!) to obtain, anyway now seems as good a time as any to give my opinion on them, first up is Face the Faith, the vocal CD for Sonic and the Black Knight.

Face the Faith – Sonic and the Black Knight – Vocal Trax

This soundtrack brings together all the vocal tracks from the game, you’ll notice two main artists right off the bat that is if you are a fan of Sonic music. The fist being Crush 40 making a welcome return to the Sonic music scene after far too long an absence with the tracks Knight of the Wind (main theme for the game), fight the knight, through the fire, live life, and with me (massive power mix). I really didn’t realise how much I’d missed crush 40 until I started to listen to these tracks and on there own make the album worthwhile, but that’s not all that’s on this CD.

Another artist that should also be familiar to the Sonic fan base is Bentley Jones, who came to notice when he co-wrote and performed Silvers theme Dreams of an Absolution from Sonic 06 (one of the few good things in that game). This time he’s back with quiet frankly an amazing re-imagining of the Sonic and the Secret rings track Seven rings in hand aka Fairytales in Trance, anyone who has heard the original track may be thinking that theres no way that Seven rings in hand could actually sound any good, well Mr. Jones found a way.

Rounding off the vocal tracks is With Me by Emma and Tinna from ALL ENDS feat, who I have absolutely no idea who they are, but that dosn’t mean With Me is rubbish, there again any song with the line ‘All wrapped up in my evil plan,’ is automatically good in my book.

Also included are instrumental versions of Knight of the Wind, With me and Live life, for all those who want to butcher these songs when this years Wrecksfactor rolls around.

Not much to say really on this one just a standard CD jewel case with the regular song list and lyrics book included, the cover has a artistic/rustic look in keeping with the theme of the game, which to be honest I’m not the biggest fan of.

Overall the music on this CD is outstanding, the packaging could have been a little better (I think I’ve been spoiled by the Sonic Unleashed packaging), well worth the £16 I paid to get it shipped over, a must have for all Sonic fans.

Face the Faith can be picked up online at CD Japan, Playasia, and HMV online, be warned though these are all coming from the Asia/Japan region.

More soundtrack reviews will be coming soon.

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