Posted by Vger, Apr.20, 2011, under Comics, Sonic Shorts, Comments (4)

I had planned to put this up immediately after the end of Just in Time however, drawn comics always take five times as long as I expect them too. Click here for comic.

This is just something to bookmark the end of the Just in Time series, and to be honest express some of the feelings I’ve developed for it over the last year or so, it became a chore for me to do, so it’s at this point I decided it had to go. Now it’s gone, I do feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can rest for a while.

But rest assured I’m not going to be resting for long, I have other projects in the pipeline, some very near to completion, so keep an eye on Emerald Coast for more news on them, oh and don’t forget to check out the amazing DtN!



April 20, 2011 at 4:57 pm

Well. We all knew it was coming, but it’s still a little sad to see it go. At least you came up with an ending for it. So many others just ditch them in the middle of storylines claiming that they will come back someday. So, kudos for actually seeing it through.


April 20, 2011 at 7:51 pm

Vger I’ve gotta be honest, since you released that last comic on April 1st I was pretty convinced it was an April Fools joke. A bit sad to see it go, but hey, good job on ending it and actually not just leaving it for dead.


April 22, 2011 at 2:59 pm

So nobody survives huh or did everyone survive except the mad fox girl? Wait since our nom nom friend hit it…did she survive??? Apparently so lol cause shes eating the grave now too… They all did a looney tunes and jumped thru didn’t they…tell me its sooo :p

Sonic Yoda

April 26, 2011 at 5:50 pm

Is Vger getting ready to squat down and take a dump on that grave!?

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