Posted by Donnie, Apr.01, 2016, under Articles, Comments (0)

I’ve been sitting on this for a while now, and now that I have a website to call my own the time is right to publish.

A few weeks ago a SEGA employee contacted me to pass on some information about Sonic’s upcoming games. Now with it being Sonic’s 25th anniversary this year we’ve all been shall we say ‘disappointed’ by the games on show and more noticeably the games announced so far are not coming out of Sonic team, so what are Sonic team up to?

My source informs me that actually Sonic team have been working away for the last few years on a worthy successor to Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 a very tall order considering there cult status.  Sonic Adventure 3 according to my source will;

Bring together all of your favorite characters from the Sonic universe; including some that have not been seen for a very long time; com bringing them into teams to defeat Eggman’s Egg fleet, or investigate a case, or find the truth of one of your teams existence. Each team has there own story similar to Sonic adventure 2 which leads to them all coming together for one big battle, a must for any Sonic fan.

The next game on the horizon or Sonic Adventure 4 is billed as follows;

Following on from the ending of Sonic Adventure 3, this game has taken a darker tone it follows a character from the Sonic universe as he has to decide which side he’s on during an alien invasion.

Interesting stuff, stay tuned to Donnie Coast for more news as I get it.

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