Posted by Vger, Mar.28, 2010, under Articles, Comments (0)

I’ve been meaning to get around to doing one of these for a while now but recently I haven’t been able to find much to talk about, that is until I got an email. Yes I do occasionally get emails, and no it’s not hate mail. The email spoke of a new podcast called SEGA Addicts celebrating all things SEGA, I was intrigued so I went along to have a listen.

Featuing Jim Sterling, Topher Cantler, Tom Kyzivat, and Kris Knigge, the podcasts are just fun chats about various SEGA games or aspects of SEGA between a bunch of friends who want to share their love for the greatest games company on earth. It’s a nice listen and at times I found myself laughing with them, there’s a peculiar fascination with food that runs through the shows but it just adds to the relaxed atmosphere.

Well worth a listen even if it’s just to help kill a Sunday afternoon.

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