Posted by Vger, Jun.08, 2020, under Community, News, Other, Comments (1)

For those of you in the know, ‘The British Andy’ and ‘TitansCreed’ have been doing an annual race playing through classic and modern Sonic games to raise money for Special Effect Charity.

2020 is no different, the date of June the 19th starting at 12 am PDT / 2am CDT / 3am EST / 8am BST, for about 14 hours the returning on the 20th and perhaps even the 21st if they meet one of there donation goals.

This race also includes donation ‘incentives’ to torture… I mean help… your favorite player from losing a life to oven mitts… and oh so much more.

If you can’t wait for the big day then you can support them now by heading on over to Steam labs to invest in some fine swag designed by ‘Ram the Dragon,’ items will be available until July the 5th but best to snap them up now to push The British Andy and TitansCreed closer to those ‘special incentives.’

You’ll be able to watch this event live on twitch from The British Andy and TitansCreed account, and who knows who might turn up to turn the thumbscrews… I mean cheer… yes definitely cheer them on.

1 Comment


June 15, 2020 at 1:36 pm

Master Vger, you’re still alive! : D
Can we expect more updates from you and the others in the future? Maybe a comic? qwq

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