Posted by Vger, Apr.03, 2012, under News, Comments (1)

Yup Summer of Sonic 2012 is still moving forward, although it has been very quiet until now. An update today on the SoS website while not giving much away did confirm that tickets will be free again this year, so that means you will be getting all the awesome that happens at SoS for the total cost of getting yourself to the venue, a bargain if you ask me! Tickets will be released in waves this time in order to spread things out a little, and you will be only allowed in if you have a ticket.

In other developments it was hinted that the event may not take place in central London which considering that the Olympics are only a few weeks after SoS and every venue in the central London area will have jacked there prices through the roof because of this, looking further away makes sense. Now before everyone who has already booked a hotel in the middle of London starts running around like a headless chicken panicking, it has been mentioned that venues under consideration are within easy commuter distance of central London and local airport terminals so please don’t panic.

Keep your eyes peeled on the Summer of Sonic website for more updates coming in the next few weeks.


1 Comment


April 4, 2012 at 1:42 am

Hope its free by the time I get there next year! o3o

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