Posted by Vger, Jun.21, 2009, under Community, News, Comments (0)

Once again another week has rolled past with a location for SOS and more merch for the Americans but nothing for the Europeans as far as I can tell, anyway read on for more.

Sunday 14th
Archie spills some details on issue 204 and 205 of Sonic the hedgehog, and it looks like Robotnik isn’t going to stay insane for long. Also revealed is Sonic Universe 8 with the concluding part of the Mobius 30 years later arc… that’s nice now if only they could get around to releasing the first part.

Monday 15th
The week begins with a bit of a reshuffle in the top people at SEGA with Simon Jeffery, who infamously insulted the companies biggest fanbase, leaving his job as head of SEGA of America to join an iphone application development company… yeah good luck with that.

Tuesday 16th
Jazwares are set to release a rather interesting Metal Sonic figure, however its only available at the San diago comic con and toysrus.com, no chance of some European love then?

The Sonic facebook page asks a very important question, what’s your favourite Sonic level? So go along and answer the poll, I’m rather interested to find out the results.

Wednesday 17th
This years location for the Summer of Sonic is confirmed as the boiler house at Truman Brewery London, sadly I don’t think drinks are going to be included.

Like clockwork Archie puts up a preview of Sonic Universe 5 to wind me up for the next two £$*&”! weeks.

Friday 19th
Sonic channel puts up Julys calender, and this time its Shadow.

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