Another week has sped by depositing us smack bang in the middle of Easter weekend the perfect time to forget about new years resolutions and chow down on some delicious chocolate, it seems however that some of us have got a bit of a head start…

Tails has been letting himself go a bit recently
Monday 6th
Digital Spy in association with the Sonic City Blognik puts together a competition to win a signed copy of the Sonic and the Black Knight script, one of only two in existence so a must have for all you merch whores out there. The competition originally closed Friday, but has been extended a couple of days once the competition was expanded to include none UK residents.
SOA’s talking cardboard cut out (marketing VP ) Sean Ratcliffe, (no offense to) says a few words to Venture Beat about the success of the Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games, plans for the winter games sequel and a little bit on the recent House of the Dead prequel/Madworld games on Wii.
Tuesday 7th
That last bastion of hope for Sonic’s survival that is until recently when they pronounced the blue hedgehog dead, UK Resistance had a rather nice post about some interesting cos-play costumes going on ebay at the moment, which was picked up later on by pretty much every major Sonic news outlet on the net (so why not here as well?). These costumes are of course of the highest quality with painstaking attention taken to make sure all the details are spot on, coming to you all the way from China therefore rendering the above complements bald faced lies. Well worth a look though and you never know when a giant condom in the shape of your favorite Sonic character could come in handy.
Wednesday 8th
Ever written a bad Sonic fan fiction? Come on own up every one of us has done it at one time or another, hell I’m doing one right now! Well it seems some people are looking for something truly awful to turn into a radio… musical (checks original article to make sure, yup its a musical)… as part of the SAGE expo. OK, bad fan fiction plus a musical, this combination has the potential to kill millions! More info can be found here.
Thursday 9th
SEGA continues there by-weekly schedule for the release of downloadable content for Sonic Unleashed (for xbox-live at least) this time featuring a Holoska level pack.
Friday 10th
Want your chance to win an xbox 360 elite? Well the Sonic Stadium is holding a nice little competition with the chance to win one plus a game or two, all you have to do to be in with a chance of winning this marvelous entertainment package is to take a Sonic plushie on an adventure and take photos… no not ‘that kind’ of adventure. An example plus further details are provided at the Sonic Stadium, link above. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to dig out one of my Tails plushies for some flying lessons.
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