Posted by Titans Creed, Feb.12, 2012, under Articles, Artist Ally, Community, Comments (1)

Welcome back to the Artist Alley, where from week to week, we’ll be highlighting an piece of musical or artistic flair that you may have missed, or be unaware of. Hit the jump to see today’s piece.

Today, i’ll be bringing you another bit of musical flair by You Tube user Vernian Process. The video’s in general, are, as the title of this post may have given away, suitably titled Sonic Symphony.

As you can see, it’s a medley of Sonic tracks from a specific Classic Era styled game using an orchestral only piece. So far, there are 5 videos on the subject matter, all echoing the Classic Era nicely. they comprise of Sonic 1, as you can see above, but also Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic and Knuckles and Sonic CD.

If you like what you’re listening to, the creator of said pieces has offered them all up for download in one free easy zip file for you to access and listen to.

1 Comment


February 14, 2012 at 2:30 pm

Wow, there’s some really awesome sounding tracks in there.

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